the basses are of Sei Flamboyent Bass the one in the case with l.e.d.s made by Martin Peterson at thebassgallery.com. Rickenbacker Custom Chyene model. Custom Mockingbird Bass by Warmothguitars.com from the states. Warick Buzzard John Entwistle Bass in Zebrano. Fender Precision with EMG'S. all are custom lefthanded strung righthanded just like Jim Haslip's. the bass stack I have is like you say a Trace Elliott 380 combo + 15-18 cabinet the old style with original speakers and all flight cased giving plenty of power and headroom , the late great John Entwistle dident play through them for nothing !!!! Arni check out the new Trace Elliott amp's at www.basscentre.com. I live in England and play in a blues rockband are web site is www.rock-doctors.co.uk. Im self taught and cannot read music, my hero's are Geddy Lee, the great Phil Lynott, Jack Bruce, Billy Sheean, Stu Hamm and so on ,all wicked players !!! I hope Arni this gives you a little insight in to my world, and please check my bands website. John Paul Jones Custom Spalted Maple Bass (see the picture): The bass is an Alembic John Paul Jones Triple Omega Cutout in Spaltedmaple with custom made knobb's by www.thghknobs.com Roger does a fantastic job with a basscleff on the volume control !!!!! price wise, it all depend's on how exotic you want the bass to be. Arni if you want to see John playing the bass it's on the LedZeppelin dvd, he's playing one of two ,an eight string + a four string and when I saw it I just had to have one ( Im a BASS ADDICT like yourself ) if they can have these wonderful instrument's why not us ????., Also ive had John's symbol put on the 12 fret just to get those guy's stunned at my stunning bass !!!!! All the best for now, and my site youve done is excellent. Colin. |
Alembic John Paul Jones Custom Spalted Maple Bass Rickenbacker Custom Chyene model Custom Mockingbird Bass by Warmothguitars.com from the states |
ACOUSTIC BASS STACK 320 head + 4- 15's cab |